本页包含当地和国家资源的选择,以帮助您的主要和次要来源的研究. But don't limit yourself to online research! 开始你的研究最好的地方包括你的 school or town library (and don't forget to ask your librarians for advice). Many local colleges and universities 如果你提前利记手机官网他们,他们会让你查阅他们的档案吗. You can also do research in historical societies, museums, and historic sites--a place itself can be a primary source.
Need help finding what you're looking for? These Quick Digital Research Tips 视频为如何有效地搜索在线档案提供了很好的建议. You can find more helpful research videos at the NHD YouTube page. And don't forget: your best resource is always to ask the librarian directly.
Founded in 1791, the Massachusetts Historical Society has millions of primary sources on U.S. history and on Massachusetts history in particular. Their new resource hub, the History Source, has primary source sets on a variety of topics. Search the "NHD 2023" theme tag on the site to find them! Additionally, MHS online exhibits and digital collections include topics like the Adams Family, Revolutionary Era, Slavery in Massachusetts, the 54th Regiment, Suffrage and Anti-Suffrage, and Voting Rights and Political Comics. Explore their NHD theme page or use their Ask a Librarian chat! MHS是马萨诸塞州国家历史日的州附属赞助商.
Another important resource to Massachusetts students is The Boston Public Library, which is free for all Massachusetts residents to use. If you don't already have a BPL card, you can register for a virtual card online and start browsing immediately. 除了波士顿各大图书馆的书籍外,你还可以访问 Norman B. Leventhal Map Center, online article databases including scholarly journal archives like JSTOR or Gale Scholarly Resources, current and historical newspapers like the Boston Globe, and much more.
这些名单是由各机构创建的,以突出与今年主题相关的部分藏品, "Turning Points in History":
Or check out these NHD Partner Resources Pages to see theme lists from organizations across the country!
马萨诸塞州为你的NHD项目提供了无数不可思议的资源. 以下网站是可靠的,包含各种主题的优秀数字资源. 这绝不是马萨诸塞州档案的详尽清单, 我们鼓励你去查看你所在城市/城镇和地区的当地档案.
我们还提醒学生们,许多组织正在努力将他们的材料数字化. 即使他们没有你在网上找的东西,他们也可以给你复印一份.
Harvard University Libraries当前位置哈佛大学图书馆系统拥有令人难以置信的资源范围,包括 extensive digital collections. Explore their Hollis Image collection or browse digital collections like Iranian oral histories, US 18th-20th century immigration, and much more. Ask for advice using their Ask A Librarian feature. 或者去哈佛的专业图书馆看看,就像下面列出的两个图书馆一样.
哈佛施莱辛格图书馆利记APP官网手机版美国妇女历史的研究:浏览施莱辛格图书馆利记APP官网手机版女性历史的大量藏品,从她们的作品开始 subject guides, or some of their more recently curated collections like Hear Black Women's Voices, The Long 19th Amendment, or the #MeToo Digital Media Collection. Or get help by Asking a Schlesinger Librarian.
哈佛康威图书馆的医学史研究中心这个图书馆也有大量可供公众使用的数字馆藏, where you can see items like a microscope slide of the Spanish Flu or explore online exhibits like "This Abominable Traffic": Physicians on Slavery or Conceiving the Pill. Or head to Ask Countway to talk to a librarian.
The Mary Baker Eddy Library对宗教史、妇女史或新闻学感兴趣? Mary Baker Eddy was an American religious leader and author 他创立了基督教会,科学家,以及像 Christian Science Monitor, a Pulitzer prize winning secular newspaper. Questions? Contact their archivists here!
The American Antiquarian Society美国科学院收藏了1876年以前美国境内最大的印刷材料. Explore digital collections like the history of American news media, children's literature, Victorian Valentines, the Tuskeegee Institute, or the Caribbeana Project. Email them with reference questions here!
The John F Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum:肯尼迪图书馆收藏了各种形式的第一手资料,记录了肯尼迪的一生, career, and times of John F. Kennedy and his administration. Browse their digital collections 口述历史、电影、照片、广播、白宫文件等等. Ask an Archivist for more help!
The Center for Lowell History: The Center is a repository for educational, cultural, and historical archives of the Greater Lowell area. 探索纺织厂的历史,或者在他们的工厂里找到丰富的当地宝石 digital collections and oral history 利记APP官网手机版洛厄尔的柬埔寨、希腊和葡萄牙社区的档案.
The Wyner Family Jewish Heritage Center:通过查看他们的档案,探索新英格兰犹太人的生活历史 theme page and visiting their digital archives. Or contact their archivists here!
Northeastern University: In NU's digital collections,你会发现当地社区收藏的好例子. Their Beyond Busing 收集了4000多份利记APP官网手机版波士顿学校废除种族隔离的资料, and their collections on Boston's Latinx, Asian American, and Lower Roxbury Black communities are incredible repositories of local history. Contact NU's Librarians with any questions!
Library of Congress当前位置国会图书馆是美国历史最悠久的联邦文化机构,也是世界上最大的图书馆, with more than 120 million items, 这是一个开始你的主要资料研究的好地方. The Library’s website has a great search engine and numerous online resources. Highlights include Chronicling America, an extensive collection of historic newspapers.
National Archives:“国家档案保管员”存放着一般的美国文件, military service records and naturalization of immigrants. Check out their NHD theme page, their list of subject areas in American history, and their online exhibits and searchable databases, with highlights like the World Digital Library for world history and DocsTeach for important historical documents. For local assistance, contact the National Archives' Boston or Pittsfield branches.
American Archive of Public Broadcasting波士顿WGBH和国会图书馆合作保存了过去60年来最重要的公共电视和广播节目. Explore thousands of television programs, local and national news broadcasts, music, interviews, and more. Start with their NHD theme page or their introductory webinar, and email AAPB staff for help finding what you need!
这些只是用于世界历史研究的一小部分数字档案. Don't see the region you're interested in? Email us and we'll help you find some good archives to explore!
The World Digital Library: The WDL is run by the Library of Congress, created with the support of UNESCO, 并包含来自世界各地的图书馆和收藏的各种材料, related to various time periods, topics, and cultures. Also includes various timelines and maps.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project福特汉姆大学的这个项目提供了世界各地按时间框架和地区分类的各种历史文本的链接. 资料来源从古希腊文献到现代美国历史. Great for world history topics!
World History Sources: Run by George Mason University, 这个网站包含了来自世界各地的数千个在线主要来源档案的链接和学术评论.
Digital Library of the Caribbean: With 60 contributing partners, DLOC包含来自该地区各地图书馆和档案馆的有关加勒比历史和文化的数字化资源. Includes maps, newspapers, law & legal materials, and more.
South Asia Open Archives (SOAA): In partnership with JSTOR, this site is a free, 开放获取的资源,包括历史和当代材料(书籍), newspapers, magazines, census data, documents), including ones held at archives, libraries and institutions in the region.
Africa Online Digital ArchiveAODL是一个开放获取的非洲文化遗产数字图书馆,由密歇根州立大学与博物馆合作创建, archives, scholars, and communities around the world.
Digital Transgender Archives: Based out of Worcester's College of the Holy Cross, DRA是一个利记APP官网手机版非规范性性别历史的广泛而包容的档案材料的在线中心.
International Encyclopedia of the First World War:这个档案是一个国际合作项目的成果,涉及超过1,000 authors, editors, and partners from over fifty countries.
The Avalon Project: Produced by Yale Law School, contains documents in law, history and diplomacy, from 4000 BCE to the present. 文档按世纪分组,并按字母顺序列出. Full text, and source of document listed at the end.
Medieval Digital Resources: from the Medieval Academy of America, 该数据库包含同行评审的资源和中世纪资源的数字利记手机官网.
Slave Voyages: This website, 由埃默里大学数字奖学金中心运营, 这本书借鉴了大西洋世界各地利记APP官网手机版奴隶制和奴隶贸易历史的国际学术研究和档案. 该网站包括跨大西洋和美洲奴隶贸易数据库以及非洲人名数据库, as well as manuscripts and images, maps, and essays.